Sabtu, 05 November 2016


Ajeng    : Halo dea, long time no see. By the way you look different what happen ?
Dea       : Halo Jeng, thats right, you can see my face. My acne is so breakout i feel bad :(
Ajeng    : But it's normal for every girl , sometimes have acne problem
Dea       : It's so bad ajeng, my face full of acne, i feel not confident for meet other people
Ajeng   : yeaaah , i know but you don't need to stress and keep being positive
Dea      : How to do that ?
Ajeng  : You must keep being you, if you happy maybe your acne will recover
Dea     : Oke, i will try to be happy and not thinking about my acne again
Ajeng  : Good job dea, i wish your face back to normal again
Dea     : Thank you for suggestion ajeng
Ajeng : You're welcome dea :)